Monday 5 March 2012

When nerds attack!

Things can get pretty steamy. As I mentioned in Both Sides Now: Nerds!, we can be a little obsessive.

Basically, everybody who blogs about Diet & Nutrition is a nerd to some degree. If you're that obsessive about your diet that you've achieved success with it, you must be nerdly inclined. So here's a list (nerds love to make lists) of some nerdy bloggers. This is meant to be a bit of fun, so don't go all nerdy on me and shoot the messenger!

In no particular order, but ladies first:-

1) CarbSane: I like Evelyn because of her no-BS style.

2) Denise Minger: Denise cracks me up with some of the stuff she comes out with. She has an infectious giggle when she's lecturing. She also has the cojones to take on giants like T. Colon Campbell (oops!).

3) Kurt Harris MD: This chap really knows his stuff. I majorly pissed Kurt off last year by nerdily sticking-up for Aldi's "Solesta" EVOO (it only has 6.6% pufas, Kurt!).

4) Richard Nikoley: This chap also really knows his stuff (except for one topic ;-D). I majorly pissed Richard off recently while discussing politics with him. We have totally different views. I goaded him into calling me a "miserable, dishonest, lying f*ck of a wasted f*ck." We seem to be getting on better, now. I mentioned politics once, but I think I got away with it!

5) praguestepchild : An ex-engineer, so an O.K. bloke. I goaded Sean into calling me a "hysterical c*nt". My bad!

6) Lyle McDonald: What Lyle doesn't know about Diet & Nutrition fits on a postage stamp. I've probably pissed him off as well!

7) LeonRover: Not a blogger, but he's proved invaluable in correcting me with expressions such as "Stone the flaming crows" and "No way, José".

Anyway, enough of all this silliness. It's time to visit mum.


praguestepchild said...

Heh, well since I never actually worked as an engineer, unlike you, I'm really just an ex-engineering student.

Nigel Kinbrum said...

Oh, well. You're still a top bloke, you c*nt!

Anonymous said...

Do you happen to know the polyphenol count of that olive oil? Aldi's Solesta?

Nigel Kinbrum said...

It doesn't say on the label. The Solesta EVOO has quite a spicy flavour, if that's of any significance.

I hardly use any nowadays, which would please Kurt Harris MD!

Unknown said...

Man, now you've done it. . . You ticked off Angry Dick! Probably trampled over those naive notions of "ANARCHY" and burnt a copy of Atlas Shrugged while you were making a statement bold. I hope that the lynching wasn't as bad as Afghanistan, however.

Actually, I read the stuff. Hilarious. You were spot on and reasonable. Too bad that quite a few intelligent folk get a bit too caught up in false dilemmas as a result of overly romantic infatuations with highly impractical and often misunderstood notions (code: anarchy).

Nigel Kinbrum said...

I was being deliberately annoying by behaving like Orac.

I was relieved when marie (followed by a few others) chipped-in in my support on the later political post. marie is much more eloquent than I.

The good thing that came out of it was that it made me think about things that I never really thought about before. This was necessary, as politics affects our diets & lifestyles, which is what I blog about.

Unknown said...

Lol. Good ol' Orac.

Ah. The often silent and sane majority finally spoke up a bit thanks to Marie. Glad to hear.

"The good thing that came out of it was that it made me think about things that I never really thought about before. This was necessary, as politics affects our diets & lifestyles, which is what I blog about." - Nigel

