Friday, 22 August 2014

I never expected THAT to happen!

Fancy some Ramen Noodles?

As I clicked on the video, I was thinking "I bet those instant Ramen Noodles disintegrate instantly, causing a big surge of glucose into the blood".

Watch and learn. Well, did you expect that to happen? If instant Ramen Noodles are a heart health risk, it's not because they digest too quickly. BPA? Something else?


Beth@WeightMaven said...

How about just a marker of a high processed food diet? Maybe the reason there's a difference between genders is related to the overall diet, and processed food is a bigger percentage for women.

Nigel Kinbrum said...

Hi Beth,
"...a marker of a high processed food diet?"
Sounds legit!

"...processed food is a bigger percentage for women."
Why is this?