Hat-tip to marie (who's a very bright bulb indeed!) for the following video.
Whaz so civil 'bout war anyway?
The reason why I'm writing this is because there's (un)civil war on the internets between various "camps".
At any given moment:-
There are people who function physically & mentally at their best on VLC/Keto diets.
There are people who function physically & mentally at their best on LC diets.
There are people who function physically & mentally at their best on MC diets.
There are people who function physically & mentally at their best on HC diets.
There are people who function physically & mentally at their best on VHC diets.
As people's circumstances change, they move to a different category.
If you don't understand what I wrote above, you are a dim bulb.
If you think that insults can offend me, you are a dim bulb.
If you think that agreeing 90% with someone makes me an ass/arse-kisser, you are a dim bulb.
If you think that I'll take insults from you without retaliation, you are a dim bulb.
Sadly, due to the Dunning–Kruger effect, dim bulbs are too dim to know that they are dim bulbs!
If you are offended by anything that I wrote above, I don't care.
In other news...
Mum's condition has deteriorated to the point where she is unresponsive and no longer has a swallow reflex. It's just a matter of time before she dies. I've been prepared for this for quite some time.